From: Ed Buffaloe (EdBuffaloe@UnblinkingEye.Com)
Date: 03/08/03-12:22:39 PM Z
Pre-shrunk & sized Fabriano Uno. Precoat with unpigmented gum--expose for 30 minutes under UV. Soak and clear chromium stain with sulphuric acid. Coat with 4ml gum with 2 grams lamp black powder plus 4ml saturated solution ammonium dichromate. Expose through 8x10 negative under UV light for 25 minutes. The negative is an 8x10 developed in a conventional developer to a d-max of 1.26.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, March 08, 2003 11:49 AM
Subject: Re: First Gum Print
Maybe you could post the paper, formula you use, working procedure (sizing, coating etc), exposure details, etc. It doesn't look like this is just exposure problem alone. Sorry if you have posted that before.
Dave S
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