From: Kerik Kouklis (
Date: 03/08/03-12:39:30 PM Z
Depending on your UV light source, it sounds like extreme overexposure to
me. In a 40-watt UV box my gum exposures are usually 10 minutes or less
(depending on pigment, dichromate type and concentration, whether I am
exposing for highlights or shadows, etc.) And I am using Pyro negs which
tend to print slower due to the stain. I'd try an exposure test at 2 min, 4
min, 7 min and 12 min (or something like that) and see what you get.
ps The paper is not the problem because I get wonderful results with Fab
-----Original Message-----
From: Ed Buffaloe [mailto:EdBuffaloe@UnblinkingEye.Com]
Sent: Saturday, March 08, 2003 10:23 AM
Subject: Re: First Gum Print
Pre-shrunk & sized Fabriano Uno. Precoat with unpigmented gum--expose for
30 minutes under UV. Soak and clear chromium stain with sulphuric acid.
Coat with 4ml gum with 2 grams lamp black powder plus 4ml saturated solution
ammonium dichromate. Expose through 8x10 negative under UV light for 25
minutes. The negative is an 8x10 developed in a conventional developer to a
d-max of 1.26.
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