Date: 03/10/03-09:25:18 AM Z
Since I have gotten totally intrigued by the paper bleaching problem, I spent
several minutes searching for an old book I inherited from my grandmother,
"Your Household Guide" copyright 1951 by Walsworth Bros., Marceline, Mo. It
is full of wonderful household suggestions that avoid most of the modern
hazardous chemical concoctions and did confirm my memory of the lemon
juice/linens bleach idea.
Many of the laundry suggestions are about bleaching (And removing scorch
stains from those old cast iron irons!), using natural, readily accessible
acidic or basic compounds.
Here are a few of interesting ones:
"A slice of lemon in the water in which clothes are boiled will make them
"To whiten laces, wash them in sour milk."
"To remove scorch from clothing, rub with a lemon and put in the sun."
"A few drops of turpentine in the suds on wash day will loosen the dirt and
whiten the clothes."
Well....I am sure the conservator's web site will cover anything I could find
in my other book treasure, "Restoring Junk," so enough from me!
Cheers! Judy Taylor
J. Rowe Taylor
9524 - 49th Avenue W, #13K
Mukilteo, WA 98275-3764
(425) 290-8592
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