Old Fabriano.

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From: Agustin (abarrutia@velocom.com.ar)
Date: 03/08/03-01:43:26 PM Z

Hello all.
Let me introduce my self, I´m an Argentinian, studying cinematography and photography for 5 years now. Half year ago, I started with alt processes, experimented with Salt Papers and Albumens, and now I´m taking daguerreotype classes.
I just subscripted to the list, and already learned a lot about Kallitypes and Gum Printing. This is an awsome source of information! First of all I´d like to thank everyone for sharing your knowledge.
Now let´s got to my question. Living in a devaluated economy is quite a drawback when doing photography. We hardly get 4x5 negs nor chemicals, and now we are running out of special papers. I already bought and used all the stock of 3 different libraries (small stocks of course), and they told me they might make special orders, but that wil cost me extra $$$ and long waiting times.
I found one library that had tons and tons of sheets of Fabriano (300g) but with one drawback. They are almost 15 years old. They are quite yellow but clean. I made some tests with Salt printing, and didn´t get good results. Did anyone of you ever tried using old yellowed papers with Salt Printing?. As the Silver reacts easily to chemical changes, I thought I could use the sheets just for cyanotypes and non silver processes.
Any thoughts about this?.

Thanks in advance.


Agustin Barrutia.

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