Re: Zimmerman process

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Date: 03/15/03-05:56:41 PM Z

In a message dated 15/03/03 22:07:15 GMT Standard Time,

> Hi John,
> I haven't plowed thru all emails to see if this has been answered, but
> what he does as one method, not the "Zimmerman" method technically, is he
> uses a non pigmented sensitized layer of gum and prints the first layer to
> get the image and tones in clear gum. Then he takes plain watercolor and
> watercolors the different parts as he sees fit. Then when that is dry he
> coats another coat of non-pigmented gum/sensitizer in the ratio of 1 gum: 4
> sensitizer, and exposes again. Essentially two clear layers of gum arabic
> sensitized with pot bi, and a watercolor layer inbetween, kind of paint by
> number you know? Anyway, I'm trying that this week to see if there are
> possibilities.
Thanks very much, Chris, Altho' my concepts of the method you described are
still not altogether clear, it does seem like an interesting procedure, and a
really alternative technique....well worth trying for those who do not accept
the tiranny of the lens (grin, grin).
 Now, just one more question, please, regarding Zimmerman ; have you read of
his formula for sizing the paper? I feel that altho' there has been much
said on this list about sizing there are still some very significant aspects
concerning the actual formation of the image in Zimmerman's
process,especially, as he advises such a small amount of gum.........''and
the secret of making the coating mixture is to use just enough of the gum
solution to hold the pigment together, and no more.''
     Looking forward to hearing of your efforts with'' paint by number ''
this week.
             Best wishes for now. John - Photographist - London.

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