From: Rauch, Shelley (
Date: 03/20/03-06:34:40 AM Z
Hi Judy,
She *must* have done this before, because I know that every other semester she teaches an alt.processes class. I don't know why she didn't show us anything.
This is a college course. The book is 'A Short Course in Photography: An Introduction to Black & White Technique', by Barbara London.
Someone else (actually, a couple of someone else's) on this list gave me some very valuable links. I've printed everything out and added it to my notebooks. I'm hoping to make real progress this Saturday when I return to the darkroom.
>>>>My guess is the teacher has never done the process either, as is all too
often the case -- otherwise he/she would almost certainly have at least a
sample to show.
And that book sounds like a frail reed at best...Which one is it? Is this
a college course?
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