From: James Young (
Date: 03/20/03-10:27:24 AM Z
This question seems to come up on the list a lot and continues to
make me wonder what to do.
I've been using the bostick & sullivan van dyke solution and
following the supplied directions, which recommend fixing in weak
sodium thiosulfate (10 grm per liter) for 15-20 seconds, although I
tend to do closer to a 15 grams per liter solution for 1-2
minutes.The direction recommend washing for 5 minutes, but I wash for
30-40 minutes. I have tried permawashing them and washing for longer
but the permawash yellowed the print a bit, and the longer washing
times degraded the image on the paper. I haven't tried toning yet but
may consider that soon.
By the way I have had very good luck printing on a paper caller ANW
drawing and Framing paper, with both van dyke and Cyanotype. I get it
in 20 yard by 60" rolls, though it is available in sheets too. I've
found the roll material works a little better. I've been doing very
large cirkut negatives up to 10" x 96" and 16" by 64" Plus inch
sizes, and find the biggest problem is getting an even coating over
such large sizes. I like van dyke because it's fairly forgiving and
simple, and I can't fit many trays at these large sizes.
I'm curious what others have experienced.
Jamie Young in Madison, WI
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