Re: Van Dyke process permanence

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From: Sandy King (
Date: 03/21/03-03:39:38 PM Z

Van Dyke prints should have very good permanence if processed
correctly. I have some test prints that have been exposed to outdoor
light for over a year and show no sign at all of fading or yellowing.
My procedure is as follows.

1. Initial wash for a couple of minutes in running water. The water
for this wash should be neutral or slightly acidic.

2. Tone with gold, palladium or platinum. Toning is very important
for long-term permanence.

3. Wash for one minute.

4. Fix in two separate fixing baths for two minutes each. The second
bath is always fresh.

5. Wash for one minute.

6. Soak in a fresh solution of 1% sodium sulfite for two minutes.

7. Wash for 20-30 minutes.

With this procedure there is virtually no loss of image density in
the fixing bath so it is not necessary to overprint.

Sandy King

>This question seems to come up on the list a lot and continues to
>make me wonder what to do.
>I've been using the bostick & sullivan van dyke solution and
>following the supplied directions, which recommend fixing in weak
>sodium thiosulfate (10 grm per liter) for 15-20 seconds, although I
>tend to do closer to a 15 grams per liter solution for 1-2
>minutes.The direction recommend washing for 5 minutes, but I wash
>for 30-40 minutes. I have tried permawashing them and washing for
>longer but the permawash yellowed the print a bit, and the longer
>washing times degraded the image on the paper. I haven't tried
>toning yet but may consider that soon.
>By the way I have had very good luck printing on a paper caller ANW
>drawing and Framing paper, with both van dyke and Cyanotype. I get
>it in 20 yard by 60" rolls, though it is available in sheets too.
>I've found the roll material works a little better. I've been doing
>very large cirkut negatives up to 10" x 96" and 16" by 64" Plus
>inch sizes, and find the biggest problem is getting an even coating
>over such large sizes. I like van dyke because it's fairly forgiving
>and simple, and I can't fit many trays at these large sizes.
>I'm curious what others have experienced.
> Jamie Young in Madison, WI

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