From: James Young (
Date: 03/22/03-01:39:13 PM Z
>Van Dyke prints should have very good permanence if processed
>correctly. I have some test prints that have been exposed to outdoor
>light for over a year and show no sign at all of fading or
>yellowing. My procedure is as follows.
>1. Initial wash for a couple of minutes in running water. The water
>for this wash should be neutral or slightly acidic.
>2. Tone with gold, palladium or platinum. Toning is very important
>for long-term permanence.
>3. Wash for one minute.
>4. Fix in two separate fixing baths for two minutes each. The second
>bath is always fresh.
>5. Wash for one minute.
>6. Soak in a fresh solution of 1% sodium sulfite for two minutes.
>7. Wash for 20-30 minutes.
>With this procedure there is virtually no loss of image density in
>the fixing bath so it is not necessary to overprint.
>Sandy King
Thanks for your advice Judy , Grace, and Sandy. I should try a
residual hypo test, as well as fix time testing. Lot's of things to
experiment with. Jamie
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