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From: Judy Seigel (
Date: 03/26/03-11:28:18 PM Z

A friend sends me announcement for "Fogeys," a show of tri-color carbros
by David Stewart at In Camera gallery 511 west 25 St, chelsea, extended
until 31st of March.

Another friend saw them & also says they're stunning (actually printed by
someone else, name missing). I'm planning to see them tomorrow, but
figured others in the vicinity might be interested & time is short.

Stewart is English. Press release says his is "a post-modernist
vision, and characteristic English humor."

Another release on "The Carbro Print Process" sounds a bit over the top,
as press releases about these processes tend to be. Not that large prints
of tri-color would be easy, but: "45 steps and 15 more for drying stages"
and "nine hours to build the image onto a temporary pastic sheet, then an
extra two hours to transver the image" .... etc. etc. etc.

I figure they've got to be making their own tri-color tissue?? Or maybe
it's something like ultra-stable or one of those?



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