From: Gordon J. Holtslander (
Date: 05/08/03-08:04:13 PM Z
I would really like to avoid putting a standard label on all
The biggest reason is that it really clutters up the message index. In
other mailing lists I subscribe to this is done. One of the effects is
that most of the subject line is the label for the list. In many cases I
can't read the entire subject line because there isn't room for it because
of the list label.
For people who filter their messages by list it adds a bunch of redundant
information and clutters up the index needlessly. It would also add a
bunch of redundant information to the archive. All the messages in the
arhive are alt-photo.
I recomend filtering.
Judy you can do this with pine :) When you are in the index that lists
all your messages press the $ key. Pine will offer to sort your index.
You can sort by many fields - but the "to" field will work the best.
Go to your message index press $, and when it asks how to sort press "t"
for "to".
Pine will then sort the message by who they were addressed to. Messages
to the alt-photo-list are address to "" and
will be sorted separately from messages sent to your personal address.
This should at least separate the alt-photo from the spam messages sent to
If you want to power filter have panix set up procmail for you - I have it
set up to filter the 200+ messages I get everyday - does a very good job
On Wed, 7 May 2003, Judy Seigel wrote:
> To the list:
> I'm wondering if others are having the spam flood that I am. Yes, I admit,
> not two months ago I wrote that I didn't mind spam, because that was stuff
> I didn't have to read... but since then it's increased about 5 fold.
> Today, for instance, 58 spam, two personal, and maybe 5 from the list. I
> find that as I go down the line and delete en masse, it's easy to delete,
> say "Amodol," or something else from a name not known -- in error.
> Spammers have gotten much more inventive and plausible in subject lines.
> There may be help in future legislation -- or not. But meanwhile, I'm
> wondering if we could add something to the alt photo subject line to make
> it easy to pick out. The History of Photography list, for instance, has a
> subject ID (though I hardly get Spam on that server).
> Perhaps it's even possible for the listserve to put something in subject
> line automatically.
> Any thoughts pro or con?
> Judy
Gordon J. Holtslander Dept. of Biology 112 Science Place University of Saskatchewan
Tel (306) 966-4433 Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Fax (306) 966-4461 Canada S7N 5E2
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