Date: 10/09/03-03:18:53 PM Z
In a message dated 08/10/03 20:48:29 GMT Daylight Time,
> Luis Nadeau knows how to do it, but its difficult, and I doubt that Luis
> will give away his research
Yes. That is the situation which has been established by the feeling of
despondency spread about by many who have come up against a brick wall when it
comes to reading about the Fresson process and noting the complete absence of
instructions on how to make the coating emulsions. Luis Nadeau SAYS he knows
the secrets and I think it is amazing that he has managed to write and lecture
so much about Fresson without giving anything away in order to prove that he
knows. But,why should he? Even so, I think that what he has done is to widen
the view, thru his publications, of many stalwart experimenters who are
prepared to devote many hours of testing and failing.
Nadeau did not discover the Fresson process by this method, but
rather by harrassing Echague for around ten years until Echague gave in and
sold Nadeau a " coating machine " which Nadeau says is now collecting dust in
Canada. Nadeau is no longer making Fresson prints or the paper. The Fressons
are still making their prints just outside of Paris, France. I am in possession
of a Fresson print which was made less than five years ago by the Fressons.
This print was discarded as unsatisfactory by those who commissioned it. ( Not
me) So the Fresson process is not an automatic road to success. Like Gum it
depends on the personal intervention of the operator. Someone else could
always do better.
The "coating machine", surely, was not the original way the paper
was made and I would encourage anyone to do their own research and
experimenting using less mysterious tools if they really want to know the secrets. As
shown,the full and concise instructions for the processing and development of the
paper are there. All you have to do is formulate the coating emulsions to fit
in with this information........and make many failures.
I have never been able to understand why Nadeau did not market the
process (Direct Carbon) under another name ( his own) in the same way that
Echague did (Carbondir) since Nadeau used to advertize that his laboratory was
the only place outside of France which was making these direct carbon prints.
Maybe it has been easier and more financially rewarding for Nadeau to write and
talk about it, and dangle the carrot, than to actually do it.
Hasta la vista. John Grocott.
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