> Pete,
> I just now saw your note nested inside Chris's note‹I'm sure some day we'll
> meet and share a pint...
Yep anybody who has such a crazy sense of humour as us must partake of the
wine of RA from time to time it helps to heal the rotting brain cells
> he was beheaded for
> showing a bit
> to much enthusiasm while administering the royal enema. But then that's a
> whole other story and obviously off topic, but perhaps it was a forerunner of
> the colloidial processes‹just needed to add a pinch of dichromate.
Mark I have no wish to tread down that path the smell of rotten eggs is
enough !
> I have this problem with email‹sometimes it goes where I don't want it to
> in point my last post...
> And sometimes, especially with posts from this list, I don't receive about a
> third of the email that comes out of the alt photo newsgroup.
> So, If at times, I don't reply to someone's post, please send me another note
> offlist or forward the post to me‹I'm pretty good about responding to email
> promptly.
Yes I know it is the gremlins I they keep stealing my eggs as well
> Let's see, I have to say something on-topic. Chris:
> Step Wedgies are what inspired the Miinistry of Silly Walks. Step Wedges
> are what inspired Phil Davis.
Stop winging about wedgies what they done to you, you will be having a go at
dead parrots next !!!
Pete >;--<<
Its the dichromate you know O the dichroooooo
Received on Tue Apr 6 05:58:58 2004
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