"So again, what, if anything is wrong with this model of Jason's?"
It attempts to demonstrate the workings of CMYK, but it does this on a video
monitor. Were Jason (or anybody) to go to his page and print the entire
thing on paper, the results would likely be different.
-----Original Message-----
From: Baird, Darryl [mailto:dbaird@umflint.edu]
Sent: Sunday, December 05, 2004 6:33 AM
To: alt-photo-process-l@sask.usask.ca
Subject: RE: RGB vs CMYK: some experiments
I've tried to follow this thread closely, sometimes without much luck due to
the latest volume, but I don't recall anyone actually disputing or strongly
challenging Jason's astute conceptual model of a 0% black generation in the
CMYK separation process.
Back when I actually did color separations, they were tri-color,
hand-separated in a darkroom, but I recall the choice of filters (25A, 58,
47B - aka RGB) was designed to give rather 'equal' color distribution in the
resulting (grayscale) negatives. Even then, I used a light black 'bump' made
from an unfiltered negative... this was using qwik-print which was
originally designed to proof commercial print jobs, before chromalith (?) or
matchprint materials.
So again, what, if anything is wrong with this model of Jason's?
P.S. Despite all the 'controversy' surrounding this debate, I'm certain a
great number of list members are enjoying the discussion and learning a lot.
Since I teach this stuff (aka one who should know better[?]), I have a small
dog (maybe a puppy) in this fight.
-Darryl Baird
-----Original Message-----
From: Jason DeFontes [mailto:jason@defontes.com]
Sent: Fri 12/3/2004 2:50 AM
To: alt-photo-process-l@sask.usask.ca
Subject: RGB vs CMYK: some experiments
I've been trying to wrap my head around this since this thread started, and
I finally decided to do some noodling around in Photoshop to see if I could
understand it a little better. And I took some notes:
Hope it's helpful to someone.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Katharine Thayer [mailto:kthayer@pacifier.com]
> I've been thinking about this whole question of why some people prefer
> CMYK and others prefer RGB, and it seems to me that perhaps you could
> make a case for the proposition that people who came to color gum
> printing from color photography think in terms of color photography
> when approaching gum printing, and the RGB route makes more
> sense to us.
> But for people coming from printmaking, or from commercial printing or
> pre-press, then the CMYK route may seem more logical. Just a
> thought....
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