The first day this year I have been right. I am not sure why it works, some
thing about surface to surface contact. (Thank you Mr. Clark high school
Physics back in the mid 60's) As to corn starch why not, I think that it is a
matter of it being a fine powder that will not react with the surfaces. The
J&J container has Talc and fragrance I like my Poly Plates to smell good and
diaper fresh. I would be careful as to how mush you get into the air. Fine
powders are not good for the lungs (but a good Cuban, well?)
Keep us posted on the new plates.
Jan Pietrzak
> From: Jon Lybrook <>
> Date: 2004/02/17 Tue AM 07:29:48 GMT
> To:
> Subject: Polymer Plate 80% screen Weirdness Solved!
> Generic Baby Powder did the trick. No more Newton Rings.
> As Jan suggested, I covered the plate reasonably well, then dumped it off
> into the sink, tapping the edge a few times to remove most of the powder.
> I then used a wide hake brush to dust it off, front and back until clean
> before carrying the plate into the studio to expose to the screen, then to
> the image.
> Thanks again for all the insight and kind encouragement.
> Incidentally, I'm trying out some relatively new (?) plates from Box Car
> Press. They are supposed to have no plate tone (that is, residual ink
> left in areas that don't have tone in the original image). The instructor
> at the Denver Art Student's League where I'm taking a class said they were
> worth a try, so I'm trying them! Box Car calls them "EcoEtch gravure
> plates for photogravure", Printight model number KM 73. Has anyone else
> used these?
> Jon
Received on Tue Feb 17 12:00:05 2004
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