on 3/7/04 9:03 PM, Don Bryant at dstevenbryant@mindspring.com wrote:
> Michael,
> My diss`ing of PMK for UV printing is based on my personal experience
> with the developer. After talking to Bob Herbst at APIS 2001 he
> convinced me not to continue to use it, especially after looking at my
> emerald green stained negatives. He looked at one Tri-X negative and
> told me almost exactly what the printing time was for that neg (about 27
> min, he said 25).
> I discovered due to some incredibly long UV print exposure times the PMK
> stain faded significantly, so I'm wondering if this effect is common to
> just PMK or all pyro developers. So in my mind less heavy stain has many
> advantages.
> Something to think about,
> Don
I appreciate your insight. I'm archiving all of the PMK posts for future
Michael Slade
Tawąyama Safaris Inc.
Received on Sun Mar 7 23:52:46 2004
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