Thanks to both Ryuji and Tom . . my Formalin is still clear and in a
hard plastic container.
I used it as said prior for hardening the Agfa emulsions in early color
processing. Those images, by the way, are still in my possession and
look not bad. A couple have been on the wall for years and do exhibit a
bit of redding in the paper whites. I actually seemed to have
'over-hardened' a few prints as they crack quite easily if one tries to
bend them slightly.
Since you bring up the possibility here Ryuji of making the classic
lith developer (i used to) do you, or others know of the unusual lith
developer known as 'Fine Line'? If so, might any of you have the
formula.? The print department would like the formula for some
Jack Fulton
You will never be alone with a poet in your pocket.
John Adams
Received on Thu Mar 18 12:41:12 2004
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