Re: Mounting digital and alt images to metal

From: henk thijs ^lt;>
Date: 03/20/04-09:11:27 AM Z
Message-id: <a05001901bc8208545419@[]>

I use acid free double stick from Gudy (see p.e. , just clean the aluminium with white
spirit before using it. The other method I use is a PVA product from
BEROL Lim. England, so-called Berol Marvin Medium. I dilute it with
water (one to one) and brush it on the aluminium and the paper. You
see immediately if you didn't clean the alu :-), it will not cover
properly. You just put it together and go firmly over it with a
rubber roller. You have to coop with the mess it makes, but it sticks
forever and it is cheaper, and you can move the paper and handle
air-bubbles as long as it is still wet. If you have some mess on the
gumprint (or whatever) you can clean it with some cold water.
For the finish-coating of gumprints I use 'Vernice Brillante Tempera'
from Maimeri, Italy. It contains Acrylic resin and White spirit.

Henk Thijs  - Photography
Received on Sat Mar 20 09:10:02 2004

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