I pre-shrink and then size Rives BFK with Knox gelatin and formaldehyde.
For multiple coating prints, re-registration is simplified by using 1/4"
diameter pins, affixing negative to paper. Due to changes in humidity,
paper rarely dries out and returns to exactly the same dimensions. If the
paper is 'too big', I'll gently dry it further by directing a hair dryer on
the backside of the print until my registration marks match exactly. If the
print is 'too small', I'll use a damp sponge to moisten the backside of the
print, causing it to expand until the registration marks match.
I've never experienced any problems caused by using heat or moisture on
unexposed prints.
Best regards from Big Wonderful Wyoming,
Dave Rose
----- Original Message -----
From: "Breukel, C. (HKG)" <C.Breukel@lumc.nl>
To: "Alt-Photo-Process-L (E-mail)" <alt-photo-process-l@sask.usask.ca>
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 5:45 AM
Subject: Pre-shrink paper for gum (oa to Katherine)
> The recent exchanges about gelatine sizeing and hardening made me wonder:
> I understood and employed sizing: when one does multiple gum prints, one
> to pre-shrink your paper (soak it in hot water and dry it. This
> pre-shrinking results in loosing the size (gelatine or something else,
> always known). So one has to size and harden again.
> Katherine: if I uderstand correctly from your webside you do not
> And you re-register by "selectively" dry your paper until your register
> marks match. Do both dimensions shrink equally?
> In my own limited experience I first faithfully shrank and resized, but
> later I only shrunk and did not size, and I had no problems with multiple
> layers of gumcoats..
> So maybe I should also abandon pre-shrinking..
> I found re-registering the biggest hurdle in multiple printing, subsequent
> layers never completly matched..
> Comments?
> Best,
> Cor
Received on Wed Mar 31 07:59:06 2004
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