Re: Sodium Bisulfite

From: Katharine Thayer ^lt;>
Date: 10/06/04-06:18:01 PM Z
Message-id: <>

Alberto Novo wrote:
> Katharine Thayer wrotee:
> > Giovanni Di Mase wrote:
> >
> >> But I was told that the sulfite does not create the solution acid and
> >> therefore the cromium component becomes insoluble cromium.
> >
> >
> > That's an interesting assertion, can you give a source for it?
> It is basic chemistry, look at
> 7e2?OpenDocument (all in one line)

Well, I looked that site over from top to bottom and I don't see
anything there that relates to Giovanni's statement. You guys are going
to have to make up your collective mind: is it true that sulfite and
bisulfite and metabisulfite perform interchangeably with regard to
clearing, or not? Martin says it's true; Alberto seems to be saying no,
sulfite doesn't work the same because it makes the chromium insoluble. I
don't care which way it is, but I don't think it can be both, and if
it's basic chemistry, why not just spell it out simply, explain how it
works differently for sulfite vs bisulfite and metabisulfite.
Katharine Thayer
Received on Thu Oct 7 01:14:09 2004

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