Molecular Weight of Li2PdCl4 is = 262.1128
Molecular Weight of AFO is = 374.0187
So, when doing Ziatypes, if I want to use a 40% AFO sensitizer -
assuming there should be about equal amnt. of sensitizer and metal
molecules in the coating solution - the % of Li2PdCl4 solution should
0.40 x 262.1128 / 374.0187 = 0.280320... = 28.03%
Is this correct?
I wonder what is the % of Li2PdCl4 solution sold by B&S (labeled as
"Lithium Palladium Solution 3"). If I can learn this, I will be able to
calculate an optimum sensitizer % by reversing the above formula. Is
there anyone who knows the exact % of B&S Li2PdCl4 solution 3?
Thanks in advance,
Received on Mon Oct 11 05:49:19 2004
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