I fully agree. I bought the catalogue for my library - a bargain at $25.
-----Original Message-----
From: Byron OBrien [mailto:byron@agora.rdrop.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2005 3:28 PM
To: alt-photo-process-l@sask.usask.ca
Subject: Re: historical photos exhibit San Francisco
Loosely related via the topics of San Francisco and
alternative processes, there's a terrific showing
of a collection currently underway at SFMOMA.
Processes for works displayed include Daguerrotype,
salt print, ambrotype, tintype, platinum/palladium,
and albumen.
On Thu, 4 Aug 2005 jude.taylor@comcast.net wrote:
> Gerretings,
> While doing an internet search on another subject I happened upon the web
site for the California Historical Society and they currenty have an exhibit
of photographs by Alice Burr (1883-1968) and Eadweard Muybridge (1830-1904).
> http://www.californiahistoricalsociety.org/exhibits/index.html
> I didn't see any mention of the type of photographic process specific to
the images shown. Can any of you identify the process used for the photo by
Muybridge that appears very pink (right thumbnail below the photo of
Muybirdge) - you need to take the link to Muybridge from the left nav bar on
the main page? Have any of you gone to see this exhibit?
> Also, if you go under the Collections tab, then take The Photography
Collection link you will find a link to photographic processes...which is a
long listing describing the old as well as new process names. They don't
have diginegs listed (under Negatives Classification) so I guess that
process isn't history yet!! Sniles and Cheers! Judy
> --
> Judy Rowe Taylor
> Mukilteo, WA
> Art is a voice of the heart, a song of the soul.
> www.enduringibis.com
> jude.taylor@comcast.net or judyrowetaylor@enduringibis.com
Received on Fri Aug 5 12:47:10 2005
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