Hi Dave,
> Interesting to hear of your experience being a color blind photographer.
> it frustrating at times?
Yes, very. Driving with me in states like New Jersey where they turn
stoplights sideways can also be hair raising; kind of hard to tell which one
is red and which one is green. But usually I avoid it by working strictly
with monochrome processes. And it does make for interesting conversations
when non-artists to find out i'm colorblind.
> As noted by others, the type of paper used and sizing will make a big
> difference. FWIW, I've had good results using Rives BFK paper treated
> a gelatin size hardened in formaldehyde.
I've been looking for a supplier of formaldehyde but most chemical suppliers
don't carry it or won't sell it unless you are a big institution. Can you
recommend a supplier? I would like to try it; having used glyaxol and chrome
> For sizing, I soak the paper in gelatin solution for about five minutes
> then draw it at an oblique angle between two very smooth wooden dowels
> (finished with polyurethane). This strips the excess gelatin off the
> leaving a thin coat behind. After treating the paper twice in this
> I soak it in a formaldehyde solution and dry it. I've never brushed on
> sizing so I can't say that my method is better.
Usually I don't size at all with the other processes I use; never found the
need. I tried brush sizing Lenox for use with Ware's cyanotype formula but
that was a mistake - the sensitizer reacted with the size and made a mess.
Now that I am "taking up" gum printing i'll have to add experimenting with
different sizing methods to my "to do" list.
> The real 'magic' in gum printing comes when you have control over the
> process and can manipulate the variables during multiple printings to
> effects that are unattainable with conventional photo processes.
Right now i'd just settle for getting a decent image.
Regards, Scott
Received on Mon May 9 21:48:01 2005
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