thanks for the ideas...i'll give them a try...
my basic mix has no tween in it at all. the tween i
bought from artcraft was marked "tween 20".
as far as the type of paper...from what i have read,
rives bfk and crane 90# cover were both listed along
with a number of more expensive papers.
--- "Baird, Darryl" <dbaird@umflint.edu> wrote:
> sounds like a lot of Tween, but why not try to coat
> without the puddle
> pusher and at least eliminate that variable. Do you
> use a lot of
> pressure as you coat the sheet?
> if you still get splotches with a brush, eliminate
> the tween, test
> again
> FYI, I put about two to three drops per 100 ml (also
> how concentrated
> is your Teen mixture?)
> Darryl Baird
> -----Original Message-----
> From: dan jones [mailto:cacadanebay@pacbell.net]
> Sent: Wed 9/7/2005 11:51 PM
> To: alt-photo-process-l@sask.usask.ca
> Subject: Argyrotype Paper Problem
> I have recently started using the argyrotype process
> and have run into a problem. Using Crane 90# cover
> and
> a puddle pusher , I am having very inconsistent
> results.
> I get an even coat, but sometimes I get a splotchy
> effect that shows on the opposite side, and also in
> the finished print. Is this a problem with the paper
> or the amount of Tween that I am using (1-2 drops
> per 5ml)?
Received on Thu Sep 8 08:33:17 2005
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