Photography, especially alt-photo-proc, is wed to politics. Think of John
Heartfield's (Hertzfeld) photomontages as a typical example. When politics
and photography are divorced there is no longer photography and only
monocular politics. May I cite a personal recent experience? I set up my
camera that included a fenced-off abandoned early twentieth century
waterworks about 100 yards distant. A large sign where I stood explained
that this would become a park. I was at such a distance from the property's
fence that I could not see a small sign, much less read it, which I later
learned stated that photography was prohibited. A police car approached me
with a warning. The police parked nearby and watched me impatiently as I
folded my tripod and collected my gear too slowly to please the authorities.
I soon found myself addressed in a most ungentlemanly manner in voices
decibels above polite. Restrictions to keep the homeland safe had trickled
down to this pedestrian level that a photo, that might include a distant
former waterworks, becomes a security threat. What could have been an
interesting platinum print, or perhaps an image for the scrap heap, died
unborn. Both Democrats and Republicans created the atmosphere and
regulations that resurrected a modified version of the Sedition Act of 1798.
Regardless of which political group is in executive control, it behooves us
to respect our government but to speak out against its excesses so that we,
and the visual language of photography, can be creative in a free society.
That's politics, too, and it's certainly as much about photography as are
silver nitrate, light and lenses. Joachim
-----Original Message-----
From: Sandy King []
Sent: Saturday, April 29, 2006 7:41 PM
Subject: Re: Off-Topic, New Orleans Images
I respect your opinion, but my post was far less off topic than many
I have seen here. And there really is a relevance to photography, and
to our list IMHO, to the conditions in Louisiana encountered by Dan
to photography.
And I agree with you about Dan's off-the-cuff remark. It should not
have bothered anyone on the list. But the reaction to it, totally
inane in my opinion, resulted in several people using extremely
disgusting language.
And just for the record, Tom, I have sent many messages to the list,
and to certain individuals, in an effort to keep us on topic. But in
the end, there is no way to eliminate all social and political
commentary, and to do so would be self-destructive. Because in the
end what is going on in New Orleans, the Gulf Coast and Iraq is a lot
more important than alt photography. The issue is not what we
discuss, but the manner in which we discuss it.
As for responding point by point to my comments, feel free to do so
off list if you don't find this an appropriate forum.
>Sandy, this is far far off topic and likely to do far more harm than
>good. This is a photography list. This is an international list,
>based in a non USA college.
>Dan's one sentence comment had enough humor to avoid annoying even a
>libertarian type like me. What has followed in has, on the whole,
>been hateful non tolerant USA political lecturing. I'm tempted to
>respond point by point, but that would be inappropriate here.
>Please stop, this is a place that all alt photographers should feel
>On Apr 29, 2006, at 3:15 PM, Sandy King wrote:
>>Well, now that some of us have had a chance to reflect on the
>>goings on in the recent thread I have something to add.
>>As we recall, part of the thread evolved from Dan Burkholder's
>>comment that Dick Cheney should go hunting for quail in the slime
>>and muck still in New Orleans. Dave Rose's comment was,
>>essentially, what does Cheney have to do with New Orleans?
>>OK, a belated response, that Dave may or may not hear. The fact of
>>the matter is Cheney has everything to do with the situation in New
>>Orleans. Folks there are in desperate need of some federal relief,
>>but there has been very little forthcoming. And why is that? Well,
>>one of the major reasons is that Dick Cheney's manipulations and
>>lies led us to an elective war in Iraq that has squandered billions
>>and billions of dollars. What is the figure now? 100 billion? 200
>>billion? Too bad some of that money is not available to upgrade the
>>levee system in New Orleans and for other important projects in the
>>US. So that is what Dick Cheney has to do with the situation in New
>>And to suggest that Dan Burkholder's comment was a "snide" attack
>>against republicans is to overlook the fact that his approval
>>rating of 18% clearly means that more than half of all
>>*republicans* reject him. I do, and although I am not a registered
>>republican, I vote republican in state elections more often than
>>And the relevance of this to photography? Well Dan Burkholder, and
>>others, can go to New Orleans today, six months after Katrina, or
>>to the Gulf Coast between Pass Christian and Biloxi, and take
>>photographs of complete devastation. Is it not reasonable to assume
>>that one of the major reasons there is no federal money to correct
>>this situation is because of the needless waste of resources in a
>>war in Iraq for which Dick Cheney bears considerable responsibility?
>>>So this guy walks into a psychiatrist's office and he's got a
>>>pelican sitting on his head.
>>> He says to the psychiatrist, "I have a friend that has a problem
>>>I'd like to talk to you about."
>>> Best Wishes,
>>> Mark Nelson
>>>Precision Digital Negatives--The Book
>>>PDNPrint Forum at Yahoo Groups
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