Mike gave me an estimate of $2000 for one of his Hg units that would
accommodate a whole-plate. I was stunned.
I have a random orbit hand sander. I might try a plate using that
method and report results.
Thanks for your comments on the Instructable. My sculptor friend Kaden
(www.eccentrigenius.ca) suggested adamantly that I "share my lore" so I
finally did.
Bradley Lewis wrote:
> Hey Jonathan,
> FANTASTIC job on the Instructables website. It's beautiful. Now I
> think I want to try Daguerreotypes ten times more than I did before
> 8-) The shots of the in-process Dags are amazing. Thank you for
> taking the time to put up the site.
> I'm still debating between an orbital polisher and a bench grinder.
> Or something else. I'll have to compare my options. And yeah, I am
> going for the inverted pyramid design, much like the one on
> centurydarkroom's website, though it won't be quite as nice looking.
> I'm being pretty paranoid about the mercury, so I'm trying to make it
> as air tight as possible.
> I'll let you know how it works out when I get it done.
> Thanks for all the encouragement!
> Brad
-- http://photographs.danforthsource.comReceived on 08/23/06-09:53:40 AM Z
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