Thank You a lot,
But, what is better way to produce black shadows? use pure violet from
tube (watercolor) ant then add a black or green pigment to it , or to use
self-made violet from mixing two basic colors on all layers only changing
the ration in pigment mix.
so if we are adding another pigment to get deeeep values from violet , should
we add some light watercolor to get layers for light parts of print ?
Is there any difference in preparing 'light' layers:
I. using small quantity of dark and saturated pigment form tube where the
light values comes from disolving pigment with gum and bichromate.
II. using much larger quntity of pigment which was got from mixing pigment
from tube with light some light watercolor
and the last question. is it achivable to get monochromatic print in 'three
color gum' but using only one negative to all layers?
best regards,
Received on Wed Feb 8 01:40:25 2006
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