Possibly over exposure and/or underdevelopment. You might try less exposure
time or longer in the water. With pigment dripping off as the print dries,
it suggests not enough time developing. I develop gum prints in room
temperature water for 30 minutes. Poor sizing is another possiblility.
It is possible to clear highlights by gently pouring water over the paper or
very gently brushing the highlights with a soft watercolor brush while the
print is underwater. Be very gentle with these approaches, the emulsion is
quite fragile.
Best regards,
Dave Rose
Powell, Wyoming
----- Original Message -----
From: "paul gega" <pawel_gega@o2.pl>
To: "altphoto" <alt-photo-process-l@sask.usask.ca>
Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2006 6:35 AM
Subject: flat tonal scale / gum bichromate
> hi all,
> the problem is that after developing the third layer the highlight's part
> become flat.. what is the reason? Maybe the paper wasn't sized well?
> and by the way when i was drying that layer, it seemed to me that the gum
> still disolving on wet paper .maybe it is connected to the above-mentioned
> problem.
> best regards,
> P.
Received on Sun Feb 12 10:51:12 2006
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