Re: Pt/Pd Printer's Survey - please help!

Luis Nadeau (
Sun, 5 Mar 1995 16:17:11 +0300

>Attn. David Fokos:
>In my 30 years of teaching photography I never have printed a Pt/Pd.
>copy. Nevertheless, I have a very-very old short introduction to these
>technics, obtained from the Britsh Journal of Photography Almanac,
>printed in 1937!!

I suspect that most old formulas would be of historical interest only

Luis Nadeau

>If you like, I would type it for the forum, and you could use it at your
>criterium. Formulas are given as the Platinotype Company first introdu-
>duced at the market the technic.
>Of course I would like to receive a copy of the final product!
>Yours is a great idea, and surely many of us will adhere to.
>Good loock!
>Jorge Moure
>Chemist - Photography teacher ---
>Buenos Aires - R.Argentina