re: Re: Waterquality for dichromate sensitizers
Mon, 27 Nov 95 15:42:30 CET (Henk Thijs) Wrote:
| Received: by PI2503670.BC; Mon, 27 Nov 95 15:20:09 CET
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| Date: Tue, 28 Nov 1995 01:16:05 +1100
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| From: (Henk Thijs)
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| Subject: Re: Waterquality for dichromate sensitizers
| X-Listprocessor-Version: 6.0c -- ListProcessor by Anastasios Kotsikonas
| X-Comment: Alternative Photographic Processes mailing list
| Stefan wrote:
| >..In most photographic processes hard water gives little trouble...
| >..In gelatin-bichromate chemistry, however, it is a peril. Firstly
| >the swelling power of gelatin is reduced; secondly it affects dichromate
| >solutions adversely. It was noticed long ago that a bromoil bleacher made
| >up with hard water seemed to lose power after a week or so, with some
| >on the shadows apparently due to slow interaction between the calcium and
| >chromate ions giving rise to general tanning.
| >Also, in the carbro process, hard water in the sensitizer has the
| >immediately visible effect of eroding the highlights....
| In the bromoil literature I found several times the remark concerning hard
| water. The danger for contamination and unpredictable results is very high
| bleachers a.s.o. , so the advice would be to use distilled water; for the
| soaking afterwards put a teaspoon of CALGON into the water
| greetings henk
I don't think pure water (H2O) will work!
I think the best way to get proper water is to use a water softener / particle
filter from CULLIGHAN.
I've one in my labo, and I can freely attest that I see a big difference when
its connected or not.
I have even seen a progress in classical dev./printing. I do not have to use
products like AGEPON or CALGON anymore.