Re: Carbon etc

Hans Nohlberg (
Wed, 20 Dec 1995 00:23:19 +0200

On Mon 18 Dec David Le Vine wrote

>>BTW we have seen wonderful UltraStable prints on water color paper made by
>>Marc Bruhat, Le Sillage, Paris as well as by Charles Berger (shown recently
>>in Finland).
>What were the subjects? Would love to have seen them.
The prints by Berger which we saw in Finland were: Portrait of a Lady with
much saturated red clothing, Rutten Fruit and a Deaths-Head, if we remember
right -(we used magnifier). At the photo fair Berger showed: Nude on a Sofa
and Inside an old Garage. All of these but Nude on a Sofa were made on
water color paper.

>>Has anyone of you experience with glyoxal (for the water color papers) in
>>the carbon process?
>What is it?
Non-toxic substitute for formaldehyde - referring to the archives (9508 or
9509) of this list. Seems very good!
Best regards, Hans & Chia