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Re: Pablo Picasso's sculptures got x-rayed

On Mon, 25 Sep 2006 09:38:52 -0600 (MDT), "Camden Hardy"
<camden@hardyphotography.net> said:
> Maybe I'm missing the obvious (maybe it's because I don't speak French),
> but I can't seem to find any of the Picasso x-rays on either of those
> sites.  Are they up there somewhere, or is it a tease to get us to go see
> the show?

Check out the LAST LINK in my previous post. It is this:


There is no French here. This is a Japanese news site, where you can see
ONE image of little owl (1951). (hey that's better than no image...) For
comparison, I tried to find an (visual light) image of little owl or
petit hibou or whatever keywords I can think of on google image but with
no luck.

I remember Picasso museum allowed to photograph as long as flash is not
used. So technically someone can walk  in with a digicam with image
stabilizing lens and get us a bit more decent idea of how the work is

> Interesting stuff.  I've been drooling over x-ray machines on eBay for a
> few months now; I think it would be a lot of fun to do something like
> that...

I was thinking about buying a TSA-approved baggage scanner and also make
an x-ray version of step tablet, so that I can start a new zone system,
and write a book about PDN X.