U of S | Mailing List Archive | alt-photo-process-l | Re: Mike Ware's POP Pt./Pd. Pt

Re: Mike Ware's POP Pt./Pd. Pt

For someone beginning Pt/Pd printing (but with experience doing Vandykes and cyanotypes), would you all recommend the Mike Ware (ammonium ferrioxalate) method or the "traditional" (ferric oxalate) method? Is Ware's method cheaper than the "traditional" method?


Loris Medici wrote:
And I'd say we should thank Mike Ware, Pradip Malde, Dick Sullivan and
Carl Weese (and other persons involved - not forgetting the early
pioneers) for their efforts in devising workable, beatiful methods of
POP Pt/Pd printing using AFO sensitizer and sharing the information
freely without any commercial intention.

Thank you! (Bowing)

Best regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: Sandy King [mailto:sanking@clemson.edu] Sent: 09 Kasım 2006 Perşembe 03:22
To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
Subject: Mike Ware's POP Pt./Pd. Pt


In any event, I thank Loris Medici for putting me on the potential
advantages of FAO. Lots of potential here I believe.


Jordan Wosnick