Re: Alt photo Podcast
That would be great. As far as I'm concerned, the more accessible this
information the better.
Camden Hardy
On Mon, November 20, 2006 7:55 am, Jean Daubas wrote:
> Hi Camden,
> I support the alt-process podcast idea but I do not feel expert enough to
> provide the content for them.
> But, I am totally ready to work on the French translation in trhe same
> manner Alfonso will do for Spanish language.
> Do you wish that ?
> Jean
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Camden Hardy" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Monday, November 20, 2006 7:57 AM
> Subject: Re: Alt photo Podcast
>> Alfonso,
>> A spanish translation sounds great. If you're willing to help out with
>> that, I would be happy to set up two podcasts simultaneously; English
>> and
>> Spanish. If anyone else wants to translate them into other languages,
>> that's fine too.
>> Camden Hardy
>> camden[at]hardyphotography[dot]net
>> On Sun, November 19, 2006 9:50 pm, Alfonso wrote:
>>> Camden, I cannot help you with direct contribute because my english is
>>> not good enough and also there are a lot of people knowing much better
>>> than me about alt-proc. but i can help making a good enough spanish
>>> translation and then we will have billingual versions.
>>> What do you think about?
>>> Alfonso
>>> 2006/11/20, Camden Hardy <>:
>>>> Alright, so since there's an interest in viewing the podcasts, I'll
>>>> ask
>>>> a
>>>> more important question.
>>>> Is anyone willing to contirbute to the podcast? Production quality
>>>> doesn't need to be the best, and it can be audio only if need be.
>>>> This podcast can't happen unless list members provide content. I
>>>> don't
>>>> want to be the main contributer for two reasons: 1) I'll be the first
>>>> to
>>>> admit that many folks on this list know much more than I do about a
>>>> great
>>>> many things, and 2) I just don't have time.
>>>> Camden Hardy
>>>> camden[at]hardyphotography[dot]net
>>>> On Sun, November 19, 2006 8:07 pm, Camden Hardy wrote:
>>>> > So before I invest any of my time into setting up a podcast for this
>>>> list
>>>> > (and anyone else who's interested), I need to know whether there's
>>>> any
>>>> > interest in such a thing...otherwise, I won't bother.
>>>> >
>>>> > I've had two people tell me that it's a good idea, and I've gotten
>>>> > absolutely no feedback from anyone else.
>>>> >
>>>> > So, podcast...yes or no?
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > Camden Hardy
>>>> >
>>>> > camden[at]hardyphotography[dot]net
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>> --
>>> Alfonso