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RE: Ware/Malde-Ziatype-DOP palladium,was RE: "New" Paper for Pt/Pd (and other iron processes, too)

Clay, I agree: the more fundamental difference is the use of ammonium
salts vs lithium.  However, I didn't bring that up because I was under the
impression that Sandy used lithium salts across the board.  Therefore,
when I asked about a comparison with the sodium tungstate added, I assumed
the lithium vs. ammonium aspect was a non-issue.

Loris, thanks for the examples, that was just what I was looking for. 
It's good to see that I can achieve a nice middle ground between too
yellow and too red with the ziatype.

Camden Hardy


On Fri, December 1, 2006 1:13 pm, wcharmon@wt.net wrote:
> Actually, I think a more fundamental difference is in the use of the
> ammonium salt in the metal solution of the Ware process versus the lithium
> salt in Zia. The tungstate is really just a minor color 'tweaking' sort of
> thing in Zia, somewhat analogous, IMHO, to adding a drop or two of gold
> chloride to the classic DOP mix to subtly alter the color of the final
> image.
> But, its all good.
>> The fundamental difference I mentioned before is the use of sodium
>> tungstate.  Nowhere in Ware's article is it mentioned, whereas it's used
>> in ziatype.  There's the distinction.  I'm operating on the assumption
>> that nothing else is different between the two (just for this particular
>> discussion), since it sounds like that's the only difference in Sandy's
>> comparison of Ware/Malde and ziatype (please correct me if I'm wrong
>> here).