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RE: Ware/Malde-Ziatype-DOP palladium,was RE: "New" Paper for Pt/Pd (and other iron processes, too)

Quoting Camden Hardy <camden@hardyphotography.net>:

Interesting.  I read somewhere (I was going to cite it, but alas I can't
find the source...maybe I dreamt it) that ziatype, in its basic form, is
fairly constant between 20%-80% RH.  Another look at the official ziatype
article on the B&S website (http://www.bostick-sullivan.com/techart.php)
showed me that 50%-65% RH is recommended.
My experience so far (maybe 30 prints) is that if the humidity is around 55% - 65% that's a bit of a "sweet spot" and everything goes very smoothly. If it's around 40% even if I put the print in front of a humidifier for a minute or two it will print a bit warm and I think the maximum density may suffer but have no actual measurements to prove it. It also seems to coat a bit less evenly. I can make it work but I just feel like I'm fighting the process. I know that's a bit of a fluffy description, but it will have to do for the moment.

I haven't tried toning it chemically since the instructions say that sodium tungstate also changes the contrast and frankly it's one more variable than I care to deal with at the moment, epsecially since the neutral color is very nice.
