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Re: solarplate images up on my website

Hi Keith,

I'm printing with Rives BFK.  I have tons of it on hand from years ago
when I printed a lot.

I haven't soaked it as long as you are doing though.... and that could
be part of my problem.  I'm just doing little 5x5 or 5x7 images for
now, and the small pieces of paper I'm only soaking for 15 minutes or
so.  Today I will do the old plastic bag trick with a stack of it.
When I used to print a lot... collographs... full sheet size, I would
soak then stack in plastic as you said.  The collographs have a very
deep emboss though, and the paper needed to be very soft.  Since the
KM plates are so shallow, I figured a short soak would suffice, but
maaaaybe not!

I'll get some somerset and try that, too.


On 2/20/07, taylordow <taylordow@sprintmail.com> wrote:

How damp is the paper when you pull a print and how do you prepare
it? The images you've posted are similar to how my prints look if the
paper isn't prepared a particular way. I'm usually working with
Somerset Satin.

I make a damp pack by soaking several sheets of paper in a tray of
water, letting the stack drain and then wrapping it in plastic
sheeting. Put a weight on the pile and a couple of hours later it's
ready to print. I know printers who even do this the day before.

What papers are you all printing with?


On Feb 19, 2007, at 11:41 PM, SusanV wrote:

> Christine and all... I also posted some gravures tonight at
> http://sssusans-studio.blogspot.com/
> Christine... mine also have a case of what I call the midtone measels.
> I just came in from the studio, and I'm so sleepy I can't keep my
> eyes open.  I will take a better look at your many (!!!!) wonderful
> experiments in the morning.  Thank you for making them available.
> yawnnnn...
> Susan

Susan Daly Voss