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RE: Carbon on glass

I have tested adding sugar to gum and didn't notice any difference either. I
suspect that in the old formula they were mixing gum from powder themselves,
so the gum might act as plasticizer. The premixed gum probably has some in
it already or a more modern version of plasticizer has been added, but that
is just my guess.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Judy Seigel [mailto:jseigel@panix.com] 
> Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2007 5:43 PM
> To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
> Subject: RE: Carbon on glass
> On Tue, 11 Sep 2007, Marek Matusz wrote:
> > Hey Cor, You are correct that back exposure is no go with BL tubes, 
> > the image would be very diffused. I did use sugar in my 
> carbon recipe 
> > since most of the sources reccomend it, I am not sure if it 
> is needed 
> > for glass work.
> Speaking of sugar, I'm curious if anyone here has ever tested 
> with and without sugar.  I had several old formulas for gum 
> printing that called for sugar, which my tests showed made no 
> difference at all -- although perhaps with carbon it does, 
> and it just got added to gum formulas out of habit, like the 
> buggy whip on early autos?
> ???
> J.