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Re: inkjet transfer

Thanks for this book mention; I bought it and it is well worth the bucks. It is like the Experimental Photography Workbook of digital. I have never thought about so many ways to print out an image. I think I am going to dub the author the Martha Stewart of digital printing.

----- Original Message ----- From: "K M" <cyanotype@gmail.com>
To: <alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca>
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2007 5:25 PM
Subject: Re: inkjet transfer

Hi all,

Although I have not done inkjet transfer on my own yet, I once did a
quick sample as part of a workshop with Dorothy Simpson Krause, one of
the contributors to the book under discussion. The three artists who
wrote the book show a bit of their work on this site:

and Krause has a site with lots of her wonderful work here:

The link directly above is a gallery of work with lots of descriptions
of transfer techniques (with InkAid etc) she uses. Click on a
thumbnail image to get to a page that describes the transfer technique

Karen Molloy


On 9/11/07, henk thijs <henk.thijs@hetnet.nl> wrote:
Hi Judy,
With InkAid you can make paper like Fabriano or Magnani a.o. suitable for
inkjet printing.
For inkjetransfer you coat a sheet of polyester with Inkaid to make it
'printable' (or make a digital neg!) and by adding some Golden acrylic flow
release you can transfer.
For me the rabbit glue i.s.o. Inkaid works perfect (and it is easier to get
and far more cheaper).


Henk, what is Inkaid?

Is the process you describe above in the "Digital Art Studio" book you
mention? It's tempting, but I've already got too many digital books that
don't give what they promise, so I hesitate. (The authors think the info is
on the page, but it's only in their heads -- and the "editors" think it's
all voodoo, so stick with spellcheck...if that.)

I do however recall that Jill Enfield had a section on inkjet transfer in
her alt process book... Assuming I find it, I'll check... (She was always
very clear... perhaps from being an experienced *teacher.*)
