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Re: pinhole negatives without electricity?

Many thanks to Chris and others for amplifications, additions, and further explications today...

The friend I've been forwarding these thoughts to called this morning with thanks: We agreed that the input of different ideas from many directions has been SO much better than solo contemplation -- however well informed.

And of course there are further comments tonight... Even if some of the suggestions probably won't fit the situation (I love Chris's idea of giving each student some sodium sulfite and letting them carry or find their own water -- but this operation may involve rounding up particpants directly in the field)... Again, the comment adds detail, and points up what, not having quite done exactly this operation yet, may have been overlooked.


On Fri, 19 Oct 2007, Christina Z. Anderson wrote:

Good morning all,

I haven't followed the original question too closely so forgive me if I diverge and have missed one qualifying part of it, or repeated another responder's advice.

Polaroid works wonderfully in a pinhole camera except one has to have a Polaroid holder (about $150 new) and it does experience reciprocity failure. However, you can see the print/neg instantly so you'd only waste one negative probably before you figured it out. I have also shot Maco infrared film, as did a student (he did 8x10) and it experiences HUGE reciprocity failure. The nice thing about 4x5 film is you can load all your holders in the darkroom first and not worry about light tightness. But I think there was the desire to "develop" in the field? I've shot 4x5 film and 4x10 film in pinholes and unloaded them in a black bag in the field into a box that is light tight (color paper box) and developed when I got home. That works great. No leaks. With Polaroid Type 55 you can also not "process" the film when you pull it out of the camera and wait to process it when arriving home by reloading it in the holder and then pulling it through Process mode. That way you don't have to carry sodium sulfite into the field, which is smelly and sloshes and spills. But I did, when I taught P/N55 with the view camera to my view camera class, give each student a couple tablespoons in a plastic baggie to take in the field which they could then fill with water and put the film in that to rinse--small amount of space and weight to carry.

I have the Santa Barbara pinhole 4x5 available on Eric Renner's website and it works great with the Polaroid holder. I also have the pinhole/zoneplate Tech one that is a real gem.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Ryuji Suzuki" <rs@silvergrain.org>
To: <alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca>; <jseigel@panix.com>
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 11:43 PM
Subject: Re: pinhole negatives without electricity?

From: Judy Seigel <jseigel@panix.com>
Subject: RE: pinhole negatives without electricity?
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2007 23:07:32 -0400 (EDT)

Possibly the expense?
Way cheaper than setting up something else... like dark tent,
doing any wet processing, etc., in the field.

Possibly you can't use them in a pinhole camera???
There are many people who use Type 55 with pinhole. Just
google and you'll find pages of reports.

I'm not sure what the problem is...

Ryuji Suzuki
"I can't believe I'm here.
People always say that I'm a long way from normal."
(Bob Dylan, Normal, Illinois, 13 February 1999)