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Re: Epson 3000 still a viable option?

On Wed, 14 Nov 2007, Erie Patsellis wrote:

I already have a HP8750 that I like, but the 13x19 limit is a little restrictive (alot of my work is scanned LF negatives, that due to a lack of darkroom, I can't print at the moment) With my upcoming 16x20 camera almost finished, I have a way to scan, but not print, and it seems pointless to scan a 16x20 neg to print smaller.

Erie, there are many easily done "alt" processes that don't require a darkroom... they're not that light-sensitive: You can do, for instance,
cyanotype & Van Dyke (to name just the easiest ones) in normal room light, though you do need ultraviolet bulbs to print them. (Unless you can find some sun.)
