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Re: German translation

Here is the context of the wipe chalk:

nur Graphit hat etwas direkt fettiges, und die Rußsorten, die für eine ganze Menge bekannter Präparate, so die Wischkreide, Tusche usw. Anwendung finden, schmieren, d.h. die feinen Pigmentpartikelchen bleiben mit größter Zähigkeit an der Papierfaser haften

I got the Engelrot--it is English Red PR101--synthetic iron oxide.
Wischkreide must be so rare because when I google it the two mentions of Kuehn's Lichtbildernei (sp) come up!

Thanks for this, Tor and Hans; will check on wiping or smearing chalk..

----- Original Message ----- From: "Tor-Einar Jarnbjo" <tor-einar@jarnbjo.name>
To: <alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca>
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2007 12:10 PM
Subject: Re: German translation

Christina Z. Anderson schrieb:
Thanks, Hans--would s/he know what pigment "wipe chalk" refers to? Chris
Hi Christina,

I am not sure if I can help you, but I'll give it a try. I've been living in Germany for almost 15 years, have never heard the word and googling for it does not reveal many hits either. But, I found it in the Brothers Grimm's German Dictionary from 1860 and although the explanation is very brief "used for smearing technique", it's probably not a specific pigment, but a generic expression for any chalk suitable for wiping or smearing. I'm not sure if the correct English expression is "wiping" or "smearing", but I mean whatever is done on this chalk drawing by Heinz Kroh:

