U of S | Mailing List Archive | alt-photo-process-l | Re: archivalness of gum

Re: archivalness of gum

Diana, your paragraph following should be the sig line for the entire alt-photo list, like the history list has a long tail from Yahoo...

On Fri, 21 Dec 2007, Diana Bloomfield wrote:

I'm always curious as to what museum curators (and gallery people) have to say when it comes to alt processes...
[M]ost of the ones I've spoken with don't
seem to be all that knowledgeable about, or even very familiar with, alt processes in general. Clearly, I'm meeting all the wrong people, but still-- I'm consistently surprised by who knows what about alt processes (and photography, for that matter), and who doesn't-- including at least one curator I know who is in charge of a large and fairly impressive museum photography collection, but who seems to be totally clueless about alt processes. I guess that part of art history/photographic art just isn't included in curator school. ??
Actually, though, on 2nd thought, that's understatement.

Meanwhile: List and company --- PULEEZE give up this agonizing hairsplitting tergiversation about which process is the most archival of all. That way lies madness (to coin a phrase). True, it's the holiday season & we deserve to play, but the one about angels dancing on head of a pin, or mirror mirror on the wall would be much more useful.

