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Re: SPE and alt update

On Fri, Apr 4, 2008 at 12:23 AM, martinm <martinm@gawab.com> wrote:

As long as those photopolymers are based on monomers like acrylamide etc.,
the "non-toxicity" seems at least questionable...


maybe questionable... but having used the acids and other chemicals required for the
etching of metal plates, I feel much better about just using water and UV light to produce
a gravure plate.  I'll never go back to copper for etchings.  The delicate detail and smooth
gradations of even tone I can achieve with polymer plates more than satisfies my aesthetic
needs for my work, whether I'm etching from a line drawing or a continuous tone positive.

and don't think for a moment that the process is simple or easy.  I have a bfa in printmaking,
but learning to make a good polymer photogravure was possibly the steepest learning
curve I've climbed in my craft.


gravure blog at www.susanvossgravures.blogspot.com
website www.dalyvoss.com