gum question
Hi Judy, Preshrinking in 'not-hot-water' reminds of the discussion some time ago about the large gumprints made by Jean Janssis, belgian gum printer ( he can be found in musea all over the world); when i asked him about preshrink , he said he did not sized after two times of preshrinking in -cold- water , and he did not have any registering problems he said. Any luck on the list with this method?; it did not work for me. Henk On 9 jun 2008, at 4:24, Judy Seigel wrote: On Sun, 8 Jun 2008, Diana Bloomfield wrote:... though I did shrink and size the paper for that particular zone plate, I had done some others where I hadn't done any pre- shrinking, and I didn't seem to have trouble re-registering the negative. I guess that's only because the images were so blurry and indistinct, anyway, that the edges weren't clearly defined from the get-go.