RE: Attachments
And also, nowadays it is so easy to setup an account with some of the free
photo-hosting sites like,, etc. The account is
free and you can easily register for one.
I use Photobucket because it has an easy interface for uploading pictures.
It also gives you easy copy-and-paste button that you can click on your
picture and generate links like these (but other sites might provide the
same thing too):
These pictures also show my recent interest in plants and hybridizing. I
suppose I can make color gum bichromate prints with them too later. I guess
it is nice to combine two hobbies. :-)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Judy Seigel []
> Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2008 10:46 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Attachments
> On Thu, 26 Jun 2008, Bogdan Karasek wrote:
> > Hi Marek,
> >
> > The reason that attachements are not allowed on most lists (there
> > other camera lists I belong to don't allow them) is that
> attachements
> > are very convenient carriers of viriuses, or should that be "virii"?
> Even aside from the virus issues, some of us prefer to give
> our all to antique processes. Being merely super-human
> ourselves, we have limited resources remaining for modern
> tech. For example, I do e-mail in Pine on a Unix shell, which
> doesn't take attachments. If something seems crucial I can
> usually forward it to another server that will take
> attachments, but.... it's definitely a PITA. So an attachment
> should be (or seem to be) really important... not just a
> routine scan of something inconsequenstial, or a "recent
> print", as is usually the case.
> Also, I think someone mentioned the strain it puts on the
> facilities of our host in USASK... if everyone, or even
> several folks did that, and then the attachment gets included
> in the replies.... then in the replies to the replies,
> etc.... they might decide to kick us out !
> J.