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RE: list home decisions

Dear Listers

As I read the Gordon's opinion and also the aversions of an important part of the list members about the commercial sites, my updated vote: a non commercial site (any version what seems like useful) but free if it possible.

The free(dom) of the information is a basic idea of the Internet, I think a payable membership on a discussion list is the opposite of that, so probably the problems of it similar to a commercial version. (In Your language the word "free" is meaning several types of freedom include the cost free situation :-)

About the statistics, the Net users do not like too much the payable services, probably not only because the amount of the necessary money, but the hated administration tasks of money things (which is a + task for the list owner too, and probably a source of several unnecessary conflicts).

As I read, we have a few free offers from list members/supporters, the latest from Dave. Anyway volunteer donation, if it help to make better situation for the list can be welcomed...

Bálint Flesch