From: TERRY KING, 101522,2625
TO: Beakman,
DATE: 21/05/96 17:39
RE: Copy of: Re: Paper and platinum
David Fokos wrote
> I don't think it's quite that simple Terry. I think that what it really
> comes down to is having a certain density of sensitizer on the paper.
> I've found that something on the order of 0.75 drops of sensitizer per sq.
> in. of coated area to be a good minimum target -- more than that won't do
> any harm except to your wallet.
> The Platine paper is not very absorbent -- it will not take this amount
> of sensitizer in a single coat as some of the other papers will.
> Therefore, it is necessary to doublecoat the paper to reach the necessary
> density. I also find it necessary to allow this paper to dry naturally,
> to allow the sensitizer to soak in a little.
>The papers I use enable one to get a full range of tones without coating twice.
If the result you want is only obtainable from the Platine paper and that means
coating twice, fine. But my pocket says that it prefers a single coat. I use 1
ml for a 10 x 8 or 0.25 of a drop per square inch at 20 drops per ml, but I
usually up the amount to 1.2 ml to ensure even coverage. That is quite a bit
easier on the pocket.
Terry King
Terry King