> I too, felt chastised for daring to ask my first question on this list.
> My question was too elementary, and I was told to search the archives.
> I could not find the informaton I wanted in the archives, but did not
> ask again because I. . .well, let's just say I can take a hint.
> I feel a little--uh--um--miffed, confused--I wonder why my questions
> about negatives for gum printing were not considered appropriate for
> this list when so many messages on this list have nothing to do with
> alternative printing processes. (I admit--I am of the underclass and
> know no better than to state how I feel).
> Perhaps this list needs to branch out so newby's have some where to go
> for help. If newby's aren't supposed to ask questions, and it is
> questionable if we should even write to this list--how does anyone ever
> become a "super-regular"?
Please post your question again. I will try to help either on list or
off. Gum is not my area of expertise (though I have dabbled in it
before and surely will again), but the various methods of making
negatives can be tailored to any process. I was away for the month
of August and haven't yet read the archive so I don't recall this
exchange (I am assuming that's when it occured). I think sometimes
that some persons on the list come off as rude without really
intending to. You just gotta get to know them a bit. Since I first
joined the list a year ago, I have been constantly amazed at the
openness and generosity of spirit with which members share
information and ideas about processes, working methods, successes and
failures, past and current research and experiment, and much more.
There are not many alternative process workers and we are widely
scattered. Whatever its faults may be, this list as a forum for
communication among us is invaluable.
Keith Schreiber
Rights and Reproductions
Center for Creative Photography
University of Arizona
Tucson, Arizona 85721
Fon: 520-621-7968
Fax: 520-621-9444
Email: keith@ccp.arizona.edu
WWW: http://www.ccp.arizona.edu/ccp.html