Re: Kallitypes - Do I want to try it ?

Peter Marshall (
Sat, 26 Oct 96 08:02 BST-1

In-Reply-To: <"<6DB46E3281C2687C>6DB46E3281C2687C@X-MC-0898-MS3.XN"@-SMF->


In the UK most things are available from Silverprint, though I think the kits
are produced by Fotospeed. If you are based elsewhere I suggest you admit it
and others in your country may be able to help.

My experience is that gold toning is not effective in altering permanence, but
it may depend on how you gold tone. I didn't get selenium to work properly,
However I think platinum toning worked nicely - but again I am not sure it
makes them more permanent.

I have only one sure way to tell which of the prints in my box are platinum
(or platinum/palladium) or kallitype, and that is to turn them over and see
what I wrote on the back!

Peter Marshall

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